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864-gram bunch of hair removed from girl’s stomach: had a habit of eating hair, saved after 7 years of operation in Indore

Harpreet Kaur (TMT)

A surprising case has come to light in Indore, where a 9-year-old girl used to pluck her hair and eat it. This process was going on for about seven years. When the girl started falling ill, the family members showed her to the doctors. Where the doctors did the tests of the girl child. After the test, all the doctors were surprised to see such a huge bunch of hair in the stomach of the girl. Doctors took out a bunch of 864 grams of hair after a two-hour surgery of the girl’s stomach. Doctors say that this is probably the first case of such a huge hair tuft being removed from the stomach at the age of 9 years. At present the girl is completely fine.

Dr. Manish Patel told that after the consent of the girl’s family, the girl’s surgery was done on July 5. Which lasted for about 2 hours. During the surgery, the team of doctors removed 864 grams of hair from the girl’s stomach and put 10 stitches on her stomach.

Dr. Manish told that it is the first and unique case in the medical literature of 864 grams of hair coming out of the stomach of a 9-year-old girl. He said that cases of eating hair do come occasionally, but eating such a quantity is surprising.

Doctor Assistant Professor Gaurav Saxena told that the girl is normal in nature and talks properly. Right now she is in the ICU. She is being given saline and medicine. His liquid diet will be started after a week. He said She cannot be considered a psycho, this will be his habit. 

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