Punjab-ChandigarhTop News

Charity Drive on Founder’s Day by Patiala Ryanites

On the occasion of Founder’s Day, the compassionate spirit of Ryanites shone
brightly through a heartwarming charity drive at two Old Age Homes – one in Village
Rongla and the other at Village Chaura. The event was a resounding success,
showcasing the school’s commitment to community service and empathy.
The Old Age Home in Village Rongla welcomed the Ryanites with open arms,
providing a home to 24 cherished inmates. The second location, Sai Vridh Ashram in
Village Chaura, provided a nurturing environment for 20 elderly individuals. The
combined effort of the students, teachers, and staff brought joy and comfort to
these elderly residents.

As a gesture of compassion, the Ryanites organized a donation drive that centred on
providing essential supplies to these homes. Dry ration and daily commodities,
carefully selected to meet the residents’ needs, were collected and presented with a
spirit of solidarity and care.

The gratitude and smiles on the faces of the inmates were a testament to the impact
of this charitable endeavour. The Founder’s Day Charity Drive not only provided
much-needed supplies but also created a bridge of connection between the students
and the elderly residents, fostering a sense of belonging and togetherness.

The event was a true reflection of the school’s ethos, emphasizing the importance of
giving back to the community and instilling values of empathy and kindness in the
young minds. The Principal, Mrs. Pooja Sharma, appreciated the heartening initiative
of the Ryanites, which illuminated the lives of the elderly and left an indelible mark
on their hearts.

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