The Punjab Cabinet led by Chief Minister Charanjit Singh Channi on Monday in its maiden meeting discussed the various pro-poor initiatives to be implemented in a time bound manner. It was decided that these pro-poor initiatives will be launched from October 2, 2021 to mark the birth anniversary of father of the nation Mahatma Gandhi.
The Cabinet emphasized to lay special focus on the core sectors of education and health to provide affordable quality healthcare and education facility.
The Cabinet directed the Housing & Urban Development department to immediately start construction of 32000 Economically Weaker Section (EWS) houses on priority basis. These houses will be made available to the eligible beneficiaries on affordable installments.
The Cabinet deliberated that the free mining of sand (reta) by the land owners will be allowed to abolish the contract system. Under this system, any land owner can mine sand (reta) from his land to ensure its availability to the consumers at affordable rates.
The Cabinet also deliberated to increase free electricity units from existing 200 units to 300 units under SC/BC/BPL domestic consumers. It asked the Additional Chief Secretary Power to bring the proposal in the next Cabinet to give relief to the poor and needy.
The Cabinet also deliberated to waive off the pending electricity bills of tubewells working under Rural Water Supply (RWS) schemes and also to provide free water supply in rural areas.
The Cabinet reviewed to give relief to the domestic water and sewerage tariff to the consumers of the urban areas. It was decided that Local Government department will bring a proposal in the next Cabinet in this regard.
The Cabinet simplified the process of allotment of 5-marla plots and empowered the Panchayat Samitis to decide the cases. A special campaign will be launched by the Rural Development & Panchayats department to identify and finalize the allotment of plots to the eligible beneficiaries within two months. Likewise, the Cabinet asked the department to make a policy for purchase of land for chappar, samshan ghat and kabristan wherever the land for this purpose is required. The power to determine the prices of land will be at the level of ADC (D).
It was decided that Punjab Scheduled Castes Land Development and Finance Corporation (PSCFC) will formulate a policy for allotment of land to occupants at affordable rates.
Considering the importance of education, the Cabinet decided that a comprehensive policy regarding proper implementation of Right to Education Act and providing monetary help to the eligible educational institutes be prepared and put up in the next meeting.