flood in Maharashtra
At least 29,292 people have been shifted to safer places from flood-affected areas in Maharashtra. At the same time, about 2319 houses have been damaged due to floods and landslides.
Mumbai: Many people had to pay the price for the displeasure of nature in western and southern India. normal life was badly affected. Four districts are most affected by the floods in the state, including Sangli, Satara, Pune, and Solapur.
Due to heavy rains, there is a situation of inundation in some places in these districts and the roads and rivers have changed.
वाशिम: विदर्भातील वाशिम जिल्ह्यात बुधवार सकाळपासून संततधार पाऊस सुरू आहे. मंगरुळपीर, मानोरा तालुक्यात रात्री झालेल्या जोरदार पावसामुळं अरुणावती नदी पूर आला आहे.#heavyrainfall #floods pic.twitter.com/2eq9OEouqn
— Maharashtra Times (@mataonline) July 22, 2021