District and Sessions Judge Rajinder Aggarwal Devised A Novel Way to Make National Lok Adalat a Success

Amid decrease in footfall of the litigants in the Court Complex, due to Covid-19, to make sure the reach of benefits of coming National Lok Adalat to more people, District and Sessions Judge, Rajinder Aggarwal has devised a novel way.
Divulging the details, Secretary, DLSA, Patiala, CJM, Ms Parminder Kaur said that keeping in view the less possibility of the litigants to approach the Courts for putting up the cases for settlement in the Lok Adalat, District and Sessions Judge, Sh. Rajinder Aggarwal has conducted a meeting with the Panel Advocates engaged with various courts and requested them to identify the cases which could be taken up in Pre Lok Adalats as well as National Lok Adalat.
District and Sessions Judge, Rajinder Aggarwal added that as per the directions of NALSA and under the supervision of Executive Chairman, Punjab State Legal Services Authority, SAS Nagar, Mr. Justice Ajay Tewari, to take up maximum cases during the National Lok Adalat, pertaining to all matters, that is going to be held on July 10, the Panel Advocates have been roped in to make strenuous efforts to identify the cases (both Civil and Criminal nature) in which compromise could be effected and after identification, they would contact the concerned counsels representing the parties in those cases to ensure the presence/consent of the parties. Further, the deputed Panel Advocates will also assist the Courts in getting the matter resolved through compromise, he said.